My name is Craig S. Kaplan, and I’m a Computer Science professor in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. On this site you’ll find a mixture of things related to work, hobbies, and creative pursuits. More information can be found on my academic home page.
If you want to keep up with me in real time, you can find me at on Mastodon.
Blog - Once upon a time blogging was popular. I maintain a relatively low-volume blog, usually focused on fun, accessible ideas in tiling theory and mathematical art, and various other things that catch my fancy.
Software - Here are the various software projects I’ve worked on over the years, at least the ones for which I’ve created web pages. These are usually not research prototypes, but software or libraries that are available publicly, whether as source code or executables.
Art and Design - My research is about applications of computer science and mathematics to the world of art and design. Sometimes I apply that interest directly in my own projects. The objects I create tend to use a fair amount of mathematics and programming. But in the work on this page I began …Teaching - Most of the information for courses I’m teaching is stored in well known locations associated with those courses. Every now and then I build my own course information from scratch, in which case I’ll post it here.